Lunch Program
At École Greenview School, arrangements should be made for children to leave school over the lunch break whenever possible. The change from the school setting is valuable for each child. However, we can appreciate that certain circumstances necessitate a child staying at school for lunch and in these cases, we are pleased to assist by hiring lunch aides to run a safe and orderly lunchroom program. As per district policy, this lunchroom program operates solely through the funds paid by students using the service. All supplies, staffing, and equipment used in the program are paid for through lunchroom fees. This means that it is very important that lunch fees are paid, and paid on time, so that we are able to continue this service. Parents will see a monthly lunch fee on their SchoolZone account. Parents may contact the school office at any time to receive a copy of lunchroom expenses.
The lunchroom program operates under the supervision of employed Division Staff. Grade one, two and three students eat lunch from 11:20 until 11:40 am, while grade four, five and six students play outside. At 11:40 am, students will switch, Division One students going outside to play and Division Two students coming in to eat. The majority of the students will be eating lunch in their own classroom. During inclement weather, students will remain in the school engaged in quiet activities using the same organization schedule.
Students bring their own lunches to school each day, but please keep in mind that we do not have microwaves or kettles available for student use. Please preheat hot lunches at home and send in thermal containers.
Students are actively involved in recycling and École Greenview School promotes a garbage-free lunch program by encouraging the use of reusable containers and fabric or hard plastic lunch kits. Students are required to bring food that does not require heating or hot water. We ask that parents send forks and spoons when required.
Please note that eating lunch at school is a privilege and a service to the parents. Each student must protect this privilege by following the expectations stated below and those in our behaviour plan. Your cooperation in seeing that your child knows the expectations and procedures will be of great assistance. The lunchroom supervisors will monitor the behaviour of all students during the lunch period and will provide students with reminders for appropriate choices. For those students who are unable to meet the above expectations the following procedure will be implemented:
- Initial warnings and redirection will be provided for minor behavioral issues.
- If poor behaviour continues, or for more serious issues, students will be suspended from eating with their peers and instead will eat and be supervised in the office area for a period of up to 5 days. A notice will be sent to parents notifying them of the situation.
- If behaviour issues continue, students will be suspended from the program, and parents will need to find alternate lunchroom arrangements for a period of up to 5 days. Again parents will be notified of this situation in order to make alternate arrangements for lunch.
- If poor behaviour still continues, the student will have lunchroom privileges permanently suspended for the balance of the school. All students are expected to follow the expectations outlined in École Greenview School's Handbook and Student Behaviour and Conduct Plan, which is located in the student’s handbook and on the Parent Connection Page of our school website (
Students who stay for the lunchroom program are expected to:
- Walk either in the classroom or to assigned eating area. Attendance will be taken.
- Stay at your assigned seat and use quiet, inside voices.
- No sharing food, throwing objects, hitting or bothering other children.
- Keep their eating area clean by placing garbage and recyclables in the appropriate containers.
- Remain within the school boundaries at all times. A student is required to have written parental permission to leave the school grounds. Parents or guardians are to go to the office and sign out any child leaving the school grounds, whether for lunch or for appointments.
- Refrain from bringing food items containing nuts/peanuts to school. Greenview is an “allergy aware” school regarding a variety of foods and scents - including peanuts and nuts, gluten, milk, eggs and perfumes. Ingestion or inhaling of even tiny amounts of these items could be serious or even life threatening by students & staff.