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Parent Resources & Links

Click on the highlighted title to access the resource website:

Edmonton Public Schools: Visit our school district's homepage to discover information about school programs and choices, and other district information.

Alberta Government My Child's Learning: A Parent Resource  

Yes You Can Help - Information and Inspiration for Parents of French Immersion S

Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education (IISLE): Discover the programs available to Edmonton Public students in different languages.

Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers: This centre provides support to immigrants to Canada in learning English, information about community and career development services. 

Edmonton Public Library: Learn about the programs and services, or reserve a library book from any Edmonton Public Library.

City of Edmonton: Discover information about Edmonton's government, attractions, recreation, transportation, businesses and bylaw.

Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues: Link to your community's local community league which provides services to you and your families through volunteers in sports, recreation, culture, and educational opportunities.

Locate your City of Edmonton councilor at: http://www.edmonton.ca/city_government/city_organization/city-councillors.aspx

Edmonton Transit System: Locate bus routes and services to schools and your local community.

Other resources and information are provided via SchoolZone. Parents receive a SchoolZone login and password when students register with an Edmonton Public School.  Please contact the office if you need assistance with accessing SchoolZone.